Monday, February 17, 2014

Releasing Negativity

It’s hard to get better and make progress when we allow negativity to corrupt our minds. There are so many little things that we do to prevent ourselves from moving forward that we do not even notice or think about. We need to be careful what we allow entrance to our minds and hearts. Negativity yields negative results and positivity yields positive results. It does not get any simpler than that. About two weeks ago I felt led to deactivate my twitter account. I was just scrolling down my Timeline viewing people’s tweets when I thought about how much time I spend on twitter. An hour, a day, a week. There’s so much negativity on twitter; people complaining, cursing, and chasing material things. I realized that while I could not control what other people put out there, I could control what I allowed into my mind. Although, I miss looking on twitter and the humor that is on there, I don’t miss all the negativity and distractions it brought into my mind.

Since I have deactivated my account, I have had more time to do more productive, positive things. I can control what I allow into my mind and spend more time reading material that will foster growth and excellence within me. I spend more time studying and that has yielded great academic results. I’m off to the best start of any semester I have ever had. While I would not go as far to say I’m happier, I can say that I’m more at peace and not stressed out. I don’t have to consume all the drama from other people and I can focus on what I NEED to do to better myself. 

Everybody is different. Perhaps the negativity in your life isn't coming from twitter. You know yourself and you know the things that distract you from living life to the fullest and being who you were meant to be. Each day you should strive to make progress. Nothing stays the same. Either things get better or they get worse. I made the choice to let go of negativity and make strides towards getting. I challenge you to cut the negativity out of your lives, and see how stress-free you feel.



  1. Amen! Maybe I need to start deleting some social accounts! Lol.
    I'd also say you can change the people you follow on those sites. That's what I do. Soon as I wake up, I have no problem going to Twitter because all I see is pastors and life coaches and positive friends posting all the "Make today great" messages and I feel good.
    Great post!

  2. That's true. But at the same time going through my followers and deleting people who tweet negative stuff would take a lot of time and effort. I have considered making another twitter account and then only follow certain people and like inspirational accounts and all that. We'll see.!
