Thursday, April 23, 2015

Don't Pray and Worry

       Don’t pray and worry. How many times have we heard that phrase? And if you haven’t heard it before, allow me to introduce you. :) We may have heard this phrase many times, but how many of us actually apply it to our lives? This phrase comes from the scripture, “Don’t worry about anything: instead, pray about everything.” (Philippians 4:6a) Oftentimes we find ourselves worrying about things. How am I going to pay for this? When am I going to be able to do that? Worrying about things you cannot control is pointless, because it does not change the situation. It only leads to frustration, bitterness and it drains your energy. Worrying about things you can control is
also pointless. Why waste time worrying, when you can go to God in prayer and He will help you overcome?

           Worrying makes the situation seem worse than it really is. Oftentimes we worry about something and then a few days or weeks down the road, we realize that things worked out just fine. Then we find something else to worry about. There has NEVER been a situation that God did not deliver you from. Think back to your worst situation. Did you die? NO. Did it break you? NO. “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them ALL.” (Psalms 34:19) I love this scripture. It is such a peaceful thing to reflect on.

         So before you start to get worried about finals, your job, your partner or just life in general, remember to pray. God is able and willing to help you through any situation. There is nothing too big or too little for God to handle. You don’t have to pray a long prayer. You can just say a simple one like, “Jesus, I’m trusting you to help me with this situation. Please take away my worry. Amen.”
-MoJ (MemoirsofJazz)

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